Bunker Hill Train Club
Located in Bunker Hill
Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia
Elected Officers
Club Officers
PRESIDENT: Harold Zappia
TREASURER: Paul Wangerin
SECRETARY: Robbie Holden
Train Show Director – Harold Zappia
Raffle Prize Coordinator – Harold Zappia
1: President
The President presides over meetings, acts as the point of contact for the business matter of The Club. He also appoints and disbands non-standing committees as needed. The President shall appoint members to the standing committees as needed. The President shall be an Ex-Officio member of all standing committees.
2: Vice President
The Vice President assumes the duties of the President when the President is incapable of fulfilling his duties, is incapable of completing his term, or resigns as President. The Vice President acts as the assistant to the President upon the request of the President. The Vice President shall be an Ex-Officio member of all standing committees.
3: Secretary
Handles the correspondence for The Club, maintains the minutes of the Business Meetings and the official membership list.
4: Treasurer
The Treasurer keeps the books, pays debts owed by The Club, and makes bank deposits. The Treasurer may change backs when needed and makes a full disclosure of such action at the next business meeting.
5: Historian
The Historian shall maintain a written and pictorial history of The Club. The Historian shall be reimbursed for materials used for the duties of the position. The written and pictorial history and all artifacts, gathered in the duties of the position, shall be the property of The Club.
Standing Committees
1: Train Show Committee
The Duties of the Train Show Committee Shall include:
- Securing a location
- Publicity
- Securing Vendors
- Reporting to the membership regularly at Business Meetings or upon request at Officers meetings
2: Membership Committee
The Duties of the Membership Committee
- Assist the new members to become familiar with The Club.